Dawn of Justice: Clash of Titans


Gotham City's night sky is torn apart by a mysterious streak of blue light, immediately followed by an earthquake shaking the entire city.


The iconic Bat-signal illuminating the dark cloud-ridden sky of Gotham, suddenly disrupted by a blazing blue trail, followed by a citywide tremor, buildings shaking, and panicking citizens.
The iconic Bat-signal illuminating the dark cloud-ridden sky of Gotham, suddenly disrupted by a blazing blue trail, followed by a citywide tremor, buildings shaking, and panicking citizens.

In Metropolis, Clark Kent receives a mysterious encoded message on his computer at the Daily Planet which warns him about an imminent threat to Gotham, coupled with an unfamiliar bat insignia.


Clark, in his reporter's cubicle, staring at his computer screen which displays an obscure bat symbol and a cryptic message, his face reflecting a combination of confusion and concern.
Clark, in his reporter's cubicle, staring at his computer screen which displays an obscure bat symbol and a cryptic message, his face reflecting a combination of confusion and concern.

Batman, watching the blue streak descend upon Arkham Asylum, quickly hops onto the Batmobile, speeding towards the chaos.


A determined Batman, silhouetted against the fiery glow of a burning Arkham Asylum in the background, getting into the Batmobile which roars to life, tires screeching against the wet asphalt as it races into the turmoil.
A determined Batman, silhouetted against the fiery glow of a burning Arkham Asylum in the background, getting into the Batmobile which roars to life, tires screeching against the wet asphalt as it races into the turmoil.

Simultaneously, Superman transforms into his iconic suit and takes flight from Metropolis towards Gotham, guided by the glowing light from the troubled city.


Superman, cloaked in his signature red and blue, rising powerfully into the night sky with Metropolis shrinking below him, his determined eyes fixed on the distant glow emanating from Gotham.
Superman, cloaked in his signature red and blue, rising powerfully into the night sky with Metropolis shrinking below him, his determined eyes fixed on the distant glow emanating from Gotham.

Batmobile crashes into Arkham Asylum, with Batman emerging only to find an unfamiliar alien creature wreaking havoc, its eyes glowing ominously blue.


Batman standing tall amidst the shattered entrance of Arkham, framed by the Batmobile's headlights, his gaze riveted on a menacing alien creature with glowing blue eyes, adding an eerie illumination to the smoke-filled chaos.
Batman standing tall amidst the shattered entrance of Arkham, framed by the Batmobile's headlights, his gaze riveted on a menacing alien creature with glowing blue eyes, adding an eerie illumination to the smoke-filled chaos.

Superman arrives at the chaos just in time to see Batman confronting the creature, before he steps in, creating a shield of heat vision to protect Batman and himself.


Superman, hovering above the ground with his cape fluttering, intensifies his heat vision forming an energy shield, while Batman, encompassed in the protective glow, glances back towards his new ally against a fearsome adversary.
Superman, hovering above the ground with his cape fluttering, intensifies his heat vision forming an energy shield, while Batman, encompassed in the protective glow, glances back towards his new ally against a fearsome adversary.

Recognizing each other as allies, Batman and Superman unite, combining their strengths to fight off the alien, marking the beginning of their legendary alliance.


The iconic figures of Batman and Superman standing side by side in the battlefield, their shadows intertwined, casting an imposing silhouette against the fiery scene, symbolizing the birth of a formidable bond.
The iconic figures of Batman and Superman standing side by side in the battlefield, their shadows intertwined, casting an imposing silhouette against the fiery scene, symbolizing the birth of a formidable bond.

Batman blocks an oncoming attack with a batarang while Superman pushes back with a powerful gust of super breath, forcing the alien creature into a defensive position.


A dramatic aerial view showing Batman wielding a shining batarang and Superman exhaling a forceful wind, the alien creature crouched between them, surrounded by swirls of dust and debris.
A dramatic aerial view showing Batman wielding a shining batarang and Superman exhaling a forceful wind, the alien creature crouched between them, surrounded by swirls of dust and debris.

In a climactic maneuver, Batman ensnares the alien with a specially designed net, while Superman delivers a final sonic clap, sending the creature into unconsciousness.


A powerful image of Batman skillfully throwing a gleaming net over the alien, as Superman, with a broad stance and clenched fists, executes a sonic clap that sends shockwaves through the chaotic scene.
A powerful image of Batman skillfully throwing a gleaming net over the alien, as Superman, with a broad stance and clenched fists, executes a sonic clap that sends shockwaves through the chaotic scene.

As the creature falls, the blue light fades away, leaving Batman and Superman in the quiet aftermath, their alliance sealed under the witness of the silent night.


The creature crumpled under the now ordinary net, the once glowing blue light vanished, with Batman and Superman standing victorious under the gaze of the moon, their silhouettes marking a historic moment on the quiet grounds of the Arkham Asylum.
The creature crumpled under the now ordinary net, the once glowing blue light vanished, with Batman and Superman standing victorious under the gaze of the moon, their silhouettes marking a historic moment on the quiet grounds of the Arkham Asylum.

Batman and Superman decide to secure the unconscious alien creature in the high-security confinement of Arkham Asylum, their individual differences set aside in the interest of a common cause.


Superman, showcasing his strength, effortlessly lifts the creature while Batman presses a button on his belt, revealing a secret high-security cell in Arkham, the dimly lit interior framing their solidified companionship.
Superman, showcasing his strength, effortlessly lifts the creature while Batman presses a button on his belt, revealing a secret high-security cell in Arkham, the dimly lit interior framing their solidified companionship.

As dawn breaks, Superman departs back to Metropolis but not before both heroes acknowledge their newfound camaraderie, the city of Gotham, now peaceful, bearing witness to their unspoken pact.


The first rays of morning light cast an ethereal glow on Gotham as Superman takes flight, his silhouette against the sunrise, while Batman stands in quiet affirmation on the rooftop, their wordless farewell echoing a promise of a formidable alliance.
The first rays of morning light cast an ethereal glow on Gotham as Superman takes flight, his silhouette against the sunrise, while Batman stands in quiet affirmation on the rooftop, their wordless farewell echoing a promise of a formidable alliance.

Story generated by applying the combine operation for movies Batman (1989) and Superman (1978).

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